Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1st Quarter

   We've had a busy 1st quarter in 5th Grade! The students were able to take the MAPs test (measures of academic progress) in the areas of Math, Reading and Social Studies.  These test results were shared with parents at conferences last week.  The students set a goal in each area to work towards. They will take the tests again in the Spring so that we can see their growth!
   In September we had the opportunity to visit the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.  The students were able to make connections while viewing biomes that they learned about in Science class.  We even got compliments from the ladies at the gift shop about how well behaved and nice our students were!  Good job 5th graders!  That's the SLMS Way!
    October brought conferences.  The conferences were student-led.  We appreciate all of the parents taking time out of your busy schedules to come and support their child's learning.  We received many positive comments and feedback on the evaluations that the parents did.  Hopefully your child was able to blog with you about their conference so you could see the blogging that we're doing in Language Arts classes.  The students are really enjoying it!  We blog approximately twice a week on average during Language Arts.  Students are always welcome to blog at home as well.
*Mon. Nov. 7: Assembly in the morning
*Thurs. Nov.10: Attend musical rehearsal of The Music Man
*Fri. Nov.11: 12:35 Dismissal for professional development
*Wed. Nov. 23: 1:50 Dismissal
*Thurs. Nov.24 & Fri. Nov. 25: NO SCHOOL